One issue I’m sure many people deal with when trying to maintain a blog or diary of their projects is that it is so easy to forget to take that step back and remember thatContinue reading
Tag: University of Hull
Synth Museum is live!
Here is a working demo at 5 working demos of early electronic instruments that you can play in your browser! This blog post is a quick look into the Synth Museum, the instruments, and whyContinue reading
Multiplayer Music Project MPM is complete and live!
I have been whittling away at two projects since September, and I am very happy to say that both the Multiplayer Music Project and Synth Museum are complete! Here’s a quick post talking about theContinue reading
Multiplayer Music: Major Updates and Roadmap! (GitHub link and pictures!)
Note: I have shared the project in its current state on GitHub under an Apache 2.0 licence, so please feel free to visit the project’s GitHub page, download and even comment on issues or suggestContinue reading
Multiplayer Music Progress Update: It’s time to time!
I have had major progress on the project! The project now has timekeeping, a basic step sequencer that updates for everyone in the same server, so that each user can listen to and edit theContinue reading
Multiplayer Music Progress Update: We have a connection!
I’ve been grappling with NodeJS and trying to integrate it with the Web Audio API for a few weeks, and feel like I’ve got enough to warrant a decent update to how it’s going. IContinue reading
Quadraphonic Project Update Plans!
It’s been about 2 years since I had the chance to make a jamming environment in Max MSP, and I felt that it’s about time I create a better, and more compatible version for theContinue reading
Mono-Poly Mark 2: Playable Demo
Press the keyboard notes to play three different synths Random Button About this project: I’m making a web-audio run instrument! It’s been a fun few days learning how to use the API, as well asContinue reading
Playable Demo: Mono-Poly
Welcome to Mono-Poly! Click Here and use the keyboard to play notes: Keys q, w, e, r, t, y, and u play chords Keys a, s, d, f, g, h, j, and k play longContinue reading
Web Audio – A new way to make projects?
A few days ago a lecturer mentioned to me what is possible using a relatively new API called Web Audio. It piqued my curiosity, and I found that there are some exceptional examples of itContinue reading
Projects Update: Bowhead, New Project, Short Compositions.
In between everything going on getting ready for Post-Grad study next year, I’ve been working on the Bowhead Game, Short Pieces of Music for a Twitch Show, and brainstorming for a currently undefined project. ThisContinue reading
Life update: I am still existing!
Hello again! I’m back and writing! This is a more personal update on what’s been happening in the world of Adam (and why content has slowed a bit).
Optimising a Unity Game for the Web
I’m working on getting an arcade-style game about whales which I helped make a back uploaded to this website as a Unity web game. So here is a brief list of what’s needed so farContinue reading
How to send messages between Unity and Max MSP
Although Unity appears to play ball with Pure Data quite nicely, Max Integration is not the most simple of tasks. I found a collection of scripts and objects which do the trick though; read onContinue reading
Spaces and Places: It’s been a Blast
The performance yesterday went exactly as I hoped it would, with the pre-written guitar parts being played right, and the three of us feeling comfortable enough to take risks and react to each other’s improvisation.Continue reading
Spaces and Places: Weekly Task 2.5:
It’s possibly time to own up to the fact that Weekly Task 2 with the kitchen environment was actually intended to be composed for an outside space! To rectify this, Task 2.5 is another composition,Continue reading
Spaces and Places: Samples and Final Touches
I’ll be in the Ferens Gallery, Hull this Wednesday performing the Wyndham Lewis as a Tyro composition! We had our first run through of the piece today, with two guitars, a lot of effects, andContinue reading
Spaces and Places: Meeting at the Ferens and Update on Composition
Today I had a meeting at the Ferens gallery, where we discussed the technical requirements and restrictions of the space we’re performing our pieces in. Luckily my performance didn’t have many issues to work out,Continue reading
Spaces and Places: Simple delay patch for Ferens Gallery live soundscape
I’ve spent a few hours throwing around ideas for my Tyro piece at the gallery, and realised a live industrial soundscape played live would be an awesome thing to throw in!
Spaces and Places: Weekly Task 3- Lorenzetti (text and score)
The third composition idea I have been working towards is based on a painting by Pietro Lorenzetti, which is being given pride of place in the Ferens Gallery.
Spaces and Places: Further ideas for final composition
The plan for the composition has shifted a bit as a result of having two willing performers. I’m thrilled about this, as it means that I can have way more options with performing. Currently, theContinue reading
Unity Game Update!
There have been major updates the past few days on the Unity game! They include power-up tokens, a relationship system for each zone, and cannons at hostile zones.
Unity/Max Game Update
I’ve been pretty quiet the last week due to having some coursework to finish, but I’m now back on the game building project! For the past few days I’ve been solidly working on the gameContinue reading
Looking back on Bowhead
With the Bowhead display coming to a close at Hull Maritime Museum, it’s time for me to reflect on the project.
Swish to Unity, my journey in creative software.
I was thinking about how long I’ve had any interest in using technology for creative work, and the answer surprised me.
Spaces and Places- Weekly task 2: Multitasking
This is a sketch of a performance which would take place in a kitchen at Cranbrook Avenue, Hull. The plan is to use loudspeakers to deploy existing sounds from a space, and then presentContinue reading
Spaces and Places: Weekly Task 1: Wilberforce Staircase
I have chosen a spiral staircase in the Wilberforce building for a short piece. The space has a really pronounced reverb, and I like the idea of height as well as direction being played withContinue reading
Spaces and Places: Initial ideas for my final piece
I am hoping to do a piece centred around the painting Mr Wyndham Lewis as a Tyro, a self-portrait, from 1921. The piece interests me hugely from the amount of character oozing from the portrait- itContinue reading
Spaces and Places: Jan Bang sessions
Last week, we were lucky to have a visit from Jez Riley French, Jan Bang and students who were about to perform at the Punkt festival in London. The emphasis was on creative responses toContinue reading
Quadraphonic- Theremin Updates
The Theremin received a lot of love this month, as did the UDP setups.
Bowhead- Final Render!
Third rendering complete!
Planned Updates to the Theremin (Quadraphonic Project)
Big updates with the project! I’m developing the Theremin’s functionality to work in a group scenario at a performance at Fruit in Hull on the 16th of November.
Bowhead- First Render
The first rendering of the video with music was made. It’s extremely sparse, and there is a lot of detail and contour to add into it, but it was enough to give a good ideaContinue reading
Bowhead- Now for some sound…
I started to add sounds into the project, starting with sub-bass. I created this by “playing” along to the video using a Korg Monotron, with very low pitch, and the VCF Filter set very low.Continue reading
Bowhead- On the right track!
I used Ableton to add tracks to an empty project, and wrote in some general volume automation to get a feel for what sounds would appear where, and how prominent each sound would be.
Bowhead- Basic Sketch in Ableton
I started by sketching out the sound and general contour by taking screen shots of key points in the video, and writing the general sound I would want at each point.
Bowhead- First thoughts
First meeting to discuss the project. I came away very excited to get going with the music for the video, and it was great to see how far into the animation the team at HullContinue reading
Introducing the Quadrophonic Project!
For the last month or so, work on this site has ground to a halt in order to create the Quadraphonic Project. Version 1 had to be made to a deadline in order to beContinue reading
Beverley Gate Collaborative Arts Project (2015)
From September to December 2015, I worked with a group of students from backgrounds of Creative Writing, Film Editing, and Music to produce a short video combining our talents, focussing on a Hull landmark’s history.
Tubes (Electronic)
This is a live performance of a piece called Tubes, which I performed as part of Hull University’s Dark Room event last year at Fruit.