I’m not sure if these small life things are read by anyone, but I feel they’re likely something nice to do. It’s been a tricky few months, partly down to migraines derailing most of myContinue reading
Category: Life
Life update! (Sorry it’s been so long!)
Wow… I didn’t realise how fast time had flown! Time to write on this darn blog! 🙂 This is more of a personal post, a lengthy ramble about CWL Commissioner will follow (TL;DR it gotContinue reading
My Raymondonian tale
The heartwarming tale of how a fictional dictator and a man in a gorilla suit that took over a country, and are part of a community that help make the world a better place. 🙂
Laptop is back, things resume!
Just a quick update on the development situation – we’re back on!
Laptop is back!
My lovely laptop has been out of action this week with a rather dead screen (or rather dead internal connection from laptop to screen). I’d been limping on with a HDMI display, but eventually thatContinue reading
Well… it’s hugely overdue, but I feel it’s time I actually update my site and talk about what I’ve been up to for the last 9 months! THE GAME Firstly, the fun stuff! I amContinue reading
Board Game Strategy Tips: Pandemic!
Here is a long-promised follow-up to my post about the Board Game Expo event I attended! Here are some Pandemic strategy tips that make the game a bit more manageable: Travel The drain for yourContinue reading
Life update: I am still existing!
Hello again! I’m back and writing! This is a more personal update on what’s been happening in the world of Adam (and why content has slowed a bit).
Second place in Pandemic Surival the UK Games Expo!
Last weekend, I had the chance to take part in the UK Games Expo’s Pandemic Survival tournament.