The performance yesterday went exactly as I hoped it would, with the pre-written guitar parts being played right, and the three of us feeling comfortable enough to take risks and react to each other’s improvisation.Continue reading
Tag: Noise
Spaces and Places: Samples and Final Touches
I’ll be in the Ferens Gallery, Hull this Wednesday performing the Wyndham Lewis as a Tyro composition! We had our first run through of the piece today, with two guitars, a lot of effects, andContinue reading
Spaces and Places: Simple delay patch for Ferens Gallery live soundscape
I’ve spent a few hours throwing around ideas for my Tyro piece at the gallery, and realised a live industrial soundscape played live would be an awesome thing to throw in!
Spaces and Places: Initial ideas for my final piece
I am hoping to do a piece centred around the painting Mr Wyndham Lewis as a Tyro, a self-portrait, from 1921. The piece interests me hugely from the amount of character oozing from the portrait- itContinue reading
Bowhead- Final Render!
Third rendering complete!
Bowhead- First Render
The first rendering of the video with music was made. It’s extremely sparse, and there is a lot of detail and contour to add into it, but it was enough to give a good ideaContinue reading
Bowhead- Now for some sound…
I started to add sounds into the project, starting with sub-bass. I created this by “playing” along to the video using a Korg Monotron, with very low pitch, and the VCF Filter set very low.Continue reading
Bowhead- On the right track!
I used Ableton to add tracks to an empty project, and wrote in some general volume automation to get a feel for what sounds would appear where, and how prominent each sound would be.
Bowhead- Basic Sketch in Ableton
I started by sketching out the sound and general contour by taking screen shots of key points in the video, and writing the general sound I would want at each point.
Bowhead- First thoughts
First meeting to discuss the project. I came away very excited to get going with the music for the video, and it was great to see how far into the animation the team at HullContinue reading
Tubes (Electronic)
This is a live performance of a piece called Tubes, which I performed as part of Hull University’s Dark Room event last year at Fruit.