Interactive Programming

Unity, C#

Simple Happy HouseUnity (WebGL)2022Small interactive life simulation.
Wrestling Rhythm GameUnity and AudioHelm2017Pro-Wrestling/Dance Dance Revolution
FrontiersUnity and Max MSP2017Spaceship demo with generative soundtrackblog post
Whale Game - Hull Maritime MuseumUnity and Max MSP2017Leap Motion game installation


Servings ConverterJavascript2022Basic tool to convert recipe serving sizes.
Synth MuseumJavascript and Web Audio2018Playable Historic SynthesisersBlog post.
Multiplayer MusicNode.js and Web Audio2018Online Collaborative Musical InstrumentMPM blog posts.
Borg BonobonJavascript and Web Audio2017)A web audio instrument inspired by the Korg Monotron


QuadraphonicMax MSP2016Click here to view Quadraphonic blog posts.A multiplayer musical instrument controlled by a mixture of hardware
Whale Game - Hull Maritime MuseumUnity and Max MSP2017Leap Motion game installation

Music Composition/Mixed Media

Blast into the Vortex - Ferens Gallery, HullLive Performance2017Electronic/Guitar Ensemble PerformanceBlog
I See YouComposition/Recording2017Music to accompany a video project
Bowhead - Hull Maritime MuseumComposition/Recording20173 pieces of music to accompany the Bowhead exhibitionBlog posts
Beverley Gate - Ferens Library, University of HullComposition2015A collaborative audiovisual project
Tubes - Fruit, HullSolo Composition/Performance2015A live performance piece
Ice CreamElectronic Composition2015An electroacoustic composition from field recordings