Big updates with the project! I’m developing the Theremin’s functionality to work in a group scenario at a performance at Fruit in Hull on the 16th of November. Current plans include:

  • UDP control of the Arpeggiator feature, so that the player no longer needs to use the Conductor patch to change the scale being used- and allows another player to change it simply by playing.
  • Addition of other scales – Pentatonic, and possibly the ability to select notes on a keyboard so that a player can choose which notes they want (if there is a specific melody in mind).
  • Potentially a smoother glissando through the frequencies.
  • Hotkeys on the conductor patch to quickly change settings.
  • I’d also like to add in a parameter for the right hand’s horizontal position (so that the player can move their hand left or right to add an effect). This may be a bit of a stretch in the time frame.