Yamaha Pacifica 012 with a drumstick between the strings

Third rendering complete! I added in a load of other things in the last month, which hopefully add to the more dissonant, cold sound I was aiming for with this first video in the series.

I added in some live performances to the video playing a noise maker called the Tereminator (great pun) which I got from Error Effects. This added some of that gritty detail I was lacking, and a bit more chaos into the mix.

I also utilised Yammy, my faithful Yamaha 012 Pacifica with a third bridge effect being made by wedging a drumstick in between the strings and pickguard to create this boxy, high pitched sound. After subjecting Yammy to this, I tuned him to notes in the D minor scale so that I could play roughly in the right key.

There is still a way to go before Thursday’s cut off date, but I am getting happier with how it’s sounding. Once I’m sure the project is going ahead, I’ll see about getting the versions of it uploaded onto YouTube to document the composition process a bit better.