Wow… I didn’t realise how fast time had flown! Time to write on this darn blog! :) This is more of a personal post, a lengthy ramble about CWL Commissioner will follow (TL;DR it got into a right state with the code, so I am nuking and rebuilding from the ground up - astonishingly it’s taken an eighth of the time now I’m using proper code!).
Big news things:
- I got a real Unity Developer job! ♥ I’m so happy to use Unity as a job and hobby! I’ve been there a few months and love it - it’s hard work, but I’ll be damned if it’s not really fulfilling and enjoyable - and I am learning a tonne. It also means the game and website are secure for the forseeable future, as I’m earning and have a good work to life balance.
- Having a job like this means I meet the salary threshold to get my partner to the UK! ♥ This is very exciting, and starts the process for everything else, getting married, moving in etc. Did I just say getting married?! Damn that’s awesome! :)
- On… a sadder note… my dog Bert passed away at the end of May. :( I miss him… a lot. He was a really good dog, and the house feels weird without him.
Aight! Now I’ve done the life stuff, onto the code! :) Expect details in the next while!