Hello and happy new year! :) This is a quick small update to prove to myself that it’s really easy to update my newfangled Hugo website… I buried the main thing here a little.
I’ve spent a few months on and off (mostly off) converting all my WordPress pages to Markdown! The reason for this? simplicity. WordPress is overkill for me - I don’t need analytics, I don’t want to see insights into search engine optimisation… no thank you, just a nice plain static website sounded lovely.
So far Hugo has been lovely and simple. I like it a lot.
Other things
Since I last wrote on this here website, I’ve
- Moved house
- Started developing games again for fun - I’ll write a bit on this when I have a bit to write on this!
- Started playing the theremin! (best present ever)
- Joined a band!
- Managed to start running a D&D campaign and am having fun!
- Had migraines
In terms of coding projects, it’s been a lot of fun sketching out things, making fun shaders, and it’s fun making things for the sake of it. Maybe they’ll be realised in full, maybe they’ll be tiny things to play in the browser… either way, it’s fun and happy.