This grand adventure has an official roster! I am thrilled to report that the CWL (Created Wrestler League) will be part of my yet to be titled wrestling management game. This brings many amazing elements to the project, such as a great roster, maybe a definitive look and feel, and above all else a passionate community who will push me to make the best darn game possible!
To briefly talk about the show itself, CWL are a wonderful bunch of people who I’ve been friends with for a couple of years. They’ve given my wacky character Raymondo a place to appear and battle online, and been amazing friends. The show airs on YouTube every week, and boasts a roster of 50+ created wrestlers and characters who compete in simulated matches - no players, no scripts, whatever happens, happens. It’s very fun to watch! :)
CWL are also very mental health aware, with their own help and support section on their Discord, and have donated amazing amounts of money to the US charity NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). They’ve given me a brilliant escape from the stress of Uni, and a place to talk if I’ve ever felt on my own; I just hope I’ve pulled my weight in return.
My untitled wrestling game has been a solo project for the last year, and I’ve enjoyed the freedom that’s given. Without deadlines, I’ve been able to avoid burnout, stress and all the other wonderful elements of the game building process. I hope that this continues, but I’m thrilled that there’s interest in the project, and from such a wonderful group of friends.
As part of this collaboration, I’ve decided that it’s only fair CWL get access to the game without cost (why should anyone pay to see their own creation?), and the game shall be released free. There may be a big 2D top down real-time version game in the future which could cost money to make, but right now my biggest expense is time, which I’m happy to give to the project.
Stay tuned for more info on the project as it progresses, and where to download your own copy! Thanks for reading.